2024 | | | | |
| Experimental relative entanglement potentials of single-photon states | | J. Kadlec, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, A. Miranowicz, Phys. Rev. A 110, 023720 (2024). | |
| Enhancing collective entanglement witnesses through correlation with state purity | | K. Jiráková, A. Černoch, A. Barasiński, K. Lemr, Sci. Rep. 14, 16374 (2024). | |
| Sensitivity versus selectivity in entanglement detection via collective witnesses | | V. Trávníček, J. Roik, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, P. Horodecki, K. Lemr, Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033056 (2024). | |
| Routing in quantum communication networks using reinforcement machine learning | | J. Roik, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, Quantum Inf Process 23, 89 (2024). | |
| Experimental hierarchy of the nonclassicality of single-qubit states via potentials for entanglement, steering, and Bell nonlocality | | J. Kadlec, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, A. Miranowicz, Opt. Express 32, 2333-2346 (2024). | |
2023 | | | | |
| Synergic quantum generative machine learning | | K. Bartkiewicz, P. Tulewicz, J. Roik, K. Lemr, Sci. Rep. 13, 12893 (2023). | |
| Testování vhodných metod měření lesku a barvy autentických historických předmětů ze zámku Český Krumlov | | K. Jiráková, Š. Dostál, K. Hlavničková, K. Lemr, Jemná mechanika a optika 4/2023 (2023) | |
| Experimental hierarchy of two-qubit quantum correlations without state tomography | | S. Abo, J. Soubusta, K. Jiráková, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, A. Miranowicz, Sci. Rep. 13, 8564 (2023). | |
| Quantification of quantum correlations in two-beam gaussian states using photon-number measurements | | A. Barasinski, J. Peřina, A. Černoch, Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 043603 (2023). | |
2022 | | | | |
| Entanglement quantification from collective measurements processed by machine learning | | J. Roik, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, Physics Letters A 446, 128270 (2022). | |
| Calibration of commercially-available RGB colorimeters using a spectrometer | | J. Roik, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, J. Soubusta, Jemná mechanika a optika 1/2022 (2022) | |
| Quantifying Quantumness of Channels Without Entanglement | | H.-Y. Ku, J. Kadlec, A. Černoch, M. T. Quintino, et al., PRX Quantum 3, 020338 (2022). | |
| Open source workflow for multispectral imaging based on artificial neural networks | | D. Růžičková, J. Švihel, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, Jemná mechanika a optika 2/2022 (2022) | |
2021 | | | | |
| Experimental construction of a versatile four-photon source | | K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, Jemná mechanika a optika 2/2021 (2021) | |
| Experimental hierarchy and optimal robustness of quantum correlations of two-qubit states with controllable white noise | | K. Jiráková, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Miranowicz, Phys. Rev. A 104, 062436 (2021). | |
| Measuring concurance in qubit Werner states without an aligned reference frame | | K. Jiráková, A. Barasiński, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, J. Soubusta, Phys. Rev. Applied 16, 054042 (2021). | |
| Compound twin beams without the need of genuine photon-number-resolving detection | | J. Peřina Jr., A. Černoch, J. Soubusta, Phys. Rev. Applied 16, 024061 (2021). | |
| Using a commertially available LIDAR scanner for IR reflectography in cultural heritage research | | J. Švihel, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, J. Michalčáková, Jemná mechanika a optika 6/2021 (2021) | |
| Accuracy of entanglement detection via artificial neural networks and human-designed entanglement witness | | J. Roik, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, Phys. Rev. Applied 15, 054006 (2021). | |
| Experimentally friendly approach towards nonlocal correlations in multisetting N-partite Bell scenarios | | A. Barasiński, A. Černoch, W. Laskowski, K. Lemr, T. Vértesi, J. Soubusta, Quantum 5, 430 (2021). | |
2020 | | | | |
| Diagnostics of entanglement swapping by a collective entanglement test | | V. Trávníček, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, Phys. Rev. Applied 14, 064071 (2020). | |
| Rotation-time symmetry in bosonic systems and the existence of exceptional points in the absence of PT symmetry | | E. Lange, G. Chimczak, A. Kowalewska-Kudłaszyk, K. Bartkiewicz, Sci. Rep. 10, 19906 (2020). | |
| Experimental kernel-based quantum machine learning in finite feature space | | K. Bartkiewicz, C. Gneiting, A. Černoch, K. Jiráková, K. Lemr, F. Nori, Sci. Rep. 10, 12356 (2020). | |
| Interplay between strong and weak measurement: comparison of three experimental approaches to weak value estimation | | J. Roik, K. Lemr, A. Černoch, K. Bartkiewicz, J. Opt. 22, 065202 (2020). | |
| Genuine tripartite nonlocality for random measurements in Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger-class states and its experimental test | | A. Barasiński, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, J. Soubusta, Phys. Rev. A 101, 052109 (2020). | |
2019 | | | | |
| Experimental Measurement of the Hilbert-Schmidt Distance between Two-Qubit States as a Means for Reducing the Complexity of Machine Learning | | V. Trávníček, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 260501 (2019). | |
| Kvantové počítače: revoluce nebo slepá ulička? | | K. Lemr, Planetárium Brno (28. listopadu 2019) | |
| Experimentally attacking quantum money schemes based on quantum retrieval games | | K. Jiráková, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, K. Lemr , Sci. Rep. 9, 16318 (2019). | |
| Experimental hybrid quantum-classical reinforcement learning by boson sampling: how to train a quantum cloner | | J. Jašek, K. Jiráková, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, T. Fürst, K. Lemr, Opt. Express 27, 32454 (2019). | |
| Experimental measurement of Hilbert-Schmidt distance | | V. Trávníček et al., QuTecNOMM 2019 (Poznań) | |
| New experimental tests of three-qubit nonlocality | | J. Soubusta et al., QuTecNOMM 2019 (Poznań) | |
| Comparison of three experimental approaches to weak value estimation | | J. Roik et al., QuTecNOMM 2019 (Poznań) | |
| Experimental implementation of a programmable controlled-phase gate (work in progress) | | K. Lemr et al., QuTecNOMM 2019 (Poznań) | |
| Experimental implementation of a machine-learned quantum gate | | K. Jiráková et al., QuTecNOMM 2019 (Poznań) | |
| Interferometers in the service of quantum information processing | | A. Černoch, QuTecNOMM 2019 (Poznań) | |
| Kernel based quantum machine learning with photons | | K. Bartkiewicz et al., QuTecNOMM 2019 (Poznań) | |
| Experimental demonstration of Hardy's paradox using three-qubit states | | K. Jiráková et al., CEWQO 2019 (Paderborn) | |
| Kernel-based quantum machine learning with photons | | K. Bartkiewicz et al., CEWQO 2019 (Paderborn) | |
| Demonstration of Controlled Quantum Teleportation for Discrete Variables on Linear Optical Devices | | A. Barasiński, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 170501 (2019). | |
| Experimental verification of time-order-dependent correlations in three-qubit Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger-class states | | A. Barasiński, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, J. Soubusta, Phys. Rev. A 99, 042123 (2019). | |
| Experimental measurement of Hilbert-Schmidt distance between two-qubit states | | V. Trávníček et al., New Trends in Complex Quantum Systems Dynamics (Venice) | |
| Experimental counterfeiting of quantum money | | K. Jiráková et al., New Trends in Complex Quantum Systems Dynamics (Venice) | |
| Experimental testing of three-qubit nonlocality | | A. Černoch et al., New Trends in Complex Quantum Systems Dynamics (Venice) | |
| Diagnosing quantum relays by means of collective entanglement witnesses | | K. Lemr et al., New Trends in Complex Quantum Systems Dynamics (Venice) | |
| Measuring distances in Hilbert space by many-particle interference | | K. Bartkiewicz, V. Trávníček, K. Lemr, Phys. Rev. A 99, 032336 (2019). | |
2018 | | | | |
| Testování a kalibrace RGB kolorimetrů | | J. Roik, K. Lemr, Jemná mechanika a optika 6/2018 (2018) | |
| Generování náhodných čísel prostřednictvím temných detekcí lavinových fotodiod | | J. Jašek, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, Jemná mechanika a optika 6/2018 (2018) | |
| Experimental measurement of nonlinear entanglement witness by hyper-entangling two-qubit states | | V. Trávníček et al., QuTecNOMM 2018 (Poznań) | |
| Experimental testing of three-qubit nonlocality | | J. Soubusta et al., QuTecNOMM 2018 (Poznań) | |
| Diagnosing quantum relays by means of collective entanglement witnesses | | K. Lemr et al., QuTecNOMM 2018 (Poznań) | |
| Experimental counterfeiting of quantum money | | K. Jiráková et al., QuTecNOMM 2018 (Poznań) | |
| Beam-splitting tricks | | A. Černoch et al., QuTecNOMM 2018 (Poznań) | |
| Measuring distance between points in Hilbert space with photons | | K. Bartkiewicz et al., QuTecNOMM 2018 (Poznań) | |
| Creating a switchable optical cavity with controllable quantum-state mapping between two modes | | G. Chimczak, K. Bartkiewicz, Z. Ficek, R. Tanaś, Sci. Rep. 8, 14740 (2018). | |
| Experimental measurement of nonlinear entanglement witness by hyper-entangling two-qubit states | | V. Trávníček, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, Phys. Rev. A 98, 032307 (2018). | |
| Implementation of an efficient linear-optical quantum router | | K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, Sci. Rep. 8, 13480 (2018). | |
| Machine learning vs. quantum retrieval games in a practical quantum money scheme | | K. Bartkiewicz, K. Jiráková, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, QML&BQT 2018 (Bilbao) | |
| Experimental attack on quantum money scheme using machine learning | | K. Jiráková, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, CEWQO 2018 (Palma de Mallorca) | |
| Experimental measurement of nonlinear entanglement witness for hyper-entangled states | | V. Trávníček, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, CEWQO 2018 (Palma de Mallorca) | |
| Machine-learned quantum cloner | | J. Jašek, K. Bartkiewicz, T. Fürst, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, CEWQO 2018 (Palma de Mallorca) | |
| Two methods for measuring Bell nonlocality via local unitary invariants of two-qubit systems in Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometers | | K. Bartkiewicz, G. Chimczak, CEWQO 2018 (Palma de Mallorca) | |
| Implementation of an efficient linear-optical quantum router | | A. Černoch, K. Bartkiewicz, K. Lemr, CEWQO 2018 (Palma de Mallorca) | |
| Experimental tests of coherence and entanglement conservation under unitary evolutions | | A. Černoch, K. Bartkiewicz, K. Lemr, J. Soubusta, Phys. Rev. A 97, 042305 (2018). | |
| Two methods for measuring Bell nonlocality via local unitary invariants of two-qubit systems in Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometers | | K. Bartkiewicz, G. Chimczak, Phys. Rev. A 97, 012107 (2018). | |
2017 | | | | |
| Experimental tests of coherence and entanglement conservation | | A. Černoch, K. Bartkiewicz, K. Lemr, J. Soubusta, UAM seminary, 2017 (Poznan) | |
| Building a quantum router for discrete photons using linear optics | | K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, UAM seminary, 2017 (Poznan) | |
| Experimental characterization of photon-number noise in Rarity-Tapster-Loudon-type interferometers | | V. Trávníček, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, UAM seminary, 2017 (Poznan) | |
| Measuring and detecting quantum entanglement or nonlocality via Hong-Ou-Mandel interference | | K. Bartkiewicz, G. Chimczak, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, A. Miranowicz, CEWQO 2017 (Copenhagen) | |
| Experimental tests of coherence and entanglement conservation | | A. Černoch, K. Bartkiewicz, K. Lemr, J. Soubusta, CEWQO 2017 (Copenhagen) | |
| Experimental entanglement diagnostics for quantum relays using nonlinear witnesses | | K. Lemr, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, A. Miranowicz, CEWQO 2017 (Copenhagen) | |
| Experimental characterization of photon-number noise in Rarity-Tapster-Loudon-type interferometers | | V. Trávníček, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, Phys. Rev. A 96, 023847 (2017). | |
| Direct method for measuring and witnessing quantum entanglement of arbitrary two-qubit states through Hong-Ou-Mandel interference | | K. Bartkiewicz, G. Chimczak, K. Lemr, Phys. Rev. A 95, 022331 (2017). | |
| Bell nonlocality and fully-entangled fraction measured in an entanglement-swapping device without quantum state tomography | | K. Bartkiewicz, K. Lemr, A. Černoch, A. Miranowicz, Phys. Rev. A 95, 030102(R) (2017). | |
| Experimental quantum forgery of quantum optical money | | K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, G. Chimczak, K. Lemr, A. Miranowicz, F. Nori, NPJ Quant. Inf. 3, 7 (2017). | |
2016 | | | | |
| Experimental temporal quantum steering | | K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, A. Miranowicz, F. Nori, Sci. Rep. 6, 38076 (2016). | |
| Experimental measurement of collective nonlinear entanglement witness for two qubits | | K. Lemr, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, Phys. Rev. A 94, 052334 (2016). | |
| Measuring evolution of a photon in an interferometer with spectrally resolved modes | | M. Bula, K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, D. Javůrek, K. Lemr, V. Michálek, J. Soubusta, Phys. Rev. A 94, 052106 (2016). | |
| Experimental quantum forgery of quantum optical money | | K. Bartkiewicz, CEWQO 2016 (Crete), poster | |
| Construction of highly versatile four-photon source | | A. Černoch, CEWQO 2016 (Crete), talk | |
| Experimental measurement of the collectibility of two-qubit states | | K. Lemr, CEWQO 2016 (Crete), talk | |
| Temporal steering and security of quantum key distribution with mutually unbiased bases against individual attacks | | K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, K. Lemr, A. Miranowicz, F. Nori, Phys. Rev. A 93, 062345 (2016). | |
| Reply to Comment on One-state vector formalism for the evolution of a quantum state through nested Mach-Zehnder interferometers | | K. Bartkiewicz, A. Černoch, D. Javůrek, K. Lemr, J. Soubusta, J. Svozilík, Phys. Rev. A 93, 036104 (2016). | |
| Priority Choice Experimental Two-Qubit Tomography: Measuring One by One All Elements of Density Matrices | | K. Bartkiewicz, K. Lemr, A. Černoch, A. Miranowicz, Sci. Rep. 6, 19610 (2016). | |